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Awesome! I see it’s still powered by WordPress – is there a way I can still follow you so I see all your posts in my Reader? I don’t want to miss a thing
I think I just solved it! Let us know if the follow button is not working! Thank you so much for following!
Okay, I see the little popup now. It may have been there before and I just didn’t see it because I was look for it at the top of the screen. Can’t wait to get the email updates!
I’m pretty sure it was not there before! In fact, if it was not for you pointing it out to us it would still be missing! So thank you very, very much!
Your bilingual blog is very helpful to those who follow special diet.
I had not noticed this, until today, when Athanasia told us ( in the photo group meeting ). You have an amazing idea. Keep going.
I will be more than happy if I can help you, do not hesitate to ask. I will be on your side with financial & marketing consultation if you need it.
I like new people with fresh ideas who do not afraid to work
Thank you so much mr Nick!! We will be talking about this further more!
Hi! My name is Mary and I am from Minnesota and living with my husband who is a Kiwi in Auckland, New Zealand. We are vegan and gluten-free and I found your blog on pinterest. I just want to say I like what I see so far and want to give props to another Minnesotan that to the leap and made an international move. We are in a similar situation here in New Zealand in that we don’t have many vegan convenience foods and nearly no vegan restaurant options. It really forces you to rely on your ingenuity, eh? So I guess I just wanted to introduce myself and my husband Greg since we are like-minded people=) I hope you are finding ways to prosper in Greece as I have heard of the tough economic times your country is facing at the moment. That is so unfortunate as it has got to be one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Sadly I’ve never been there since Greek food is high on my list of favorites!
I meant took the leap:P
Hello Mary and Greg,
Wow, another Minnesotan who did the unthinkable and moved away from the Midwest?? Haha! We are rare birds indeed. New Zealand looks so beautiful, it’s a place I hope to visit one day! Sadly, I’m no longer in Greece. Athanasia decided to break up with me last September and couldn’t get me out of Greece fast enough (so she could date other men and/or women). So, I’m writing this from Minnesota. I do miss Greece very much and although finding vegan food is much more convenient here in Minnesota… I still miss the fresh fruits and vegetables in Greece. I really miss Athanasia’s mom’s cooking too! She made the best yemista!
You’re right though, being in that situation really forced me to find ways to make what I wanted to eat from what I had to work with. It was an adventure to say the least!
Thank you so much for introducing you and your husband to me. I really appreciate it. I had a lot of visitors from Minnesota on this site over the years and I must say you’re the first one to ever try to connect with me. Maybe most people never read the About Us page to even know I’m from Minnesota, who knows? Thank you though, it made me smile on a day when I could really use a smile!
I wish you the very best on your vegan journey in New Zealand!
Thank you again,
I am a Greek-American that can speak and read Greek(but not write) from Northern New Jersey staying in Patras and I was wondering what vegans in Greece do for food when they are eating out? The food options are so limited for vegans when eating out and I have been eating like shit, especially when away from Patras. Especially when outside of Patras, I just go to a bakery/αρτοποιείο and get whatever they have for nistisimo which is usually the same boring spinach pie/Spanakopita or potato pie, but I get sick of that and it is usually like most Greek food way too oily since Greeks are obsessed with drenching everything in olive oil which eventually causes me to have break outs. In Patras I know there are two Asian places by the steps of Gerokostoplou, that this time of year there are two chestnut vendors at Rega Feraiou, there is a sushi place at Byronos 1 by Plateia Ypselon Alonion, the fast food place Kasper on the considerable number of fasting days has vegan substitutes instead of meat, pizza places can make pizza without cheese, but other than those few options or venues, I don’t eat much else.
I met two vegans in Greece back earlier in 2016 when I stayed in Greece, one in Patras and one in Athens, but I didn’t get a chance to ask them how Greek vegans manage with their limited options. So how do Greek vegans manage when staying at hotels in small towns, in cities, etc.?
Hello Nicholas,
This is Jake typing right now, let’s see, when I lived in Patras we did not eat out very often, but when we did it was a select few restaurants. One of my favorite restaurants was off Riga Fereou if I remember right but it’s been over a year now. Haha, I know what you mean about the olive oil too, not only would I break out but I would have a lot of stomach problems unless I ate like that for a few days in a row, then my body would get used to it. We usually cooked all of our food, but it was nice to eat out sometimes. I do not remember the name of the restaurant off Riga Fereou but they always had things like vegan yemista and really good french fries. There was another place downtown that had great salads and again french fries. We used to order the horiatiki without cheese at City Grill because it was right next to where we lived. There was even one more restaurant that was a little more expensive that was amazing but it was in the elevated part of the city.
I’m sorry I do not remember the names of the restaurants. I will let Athanasia know about your comment because she will know all the names of these restaurants, she is just so busy so it might not be right away, but she will answer you eventually. I must say, I miss Greek food, people and the weather (I’m in Minnesota now). Athanasia will know a lot more about how to survive as a vegan in Greece too.
Thanks for your comment/question!
Hey there! First of all, I completely understand. It is terrible not having options, unlike a big city like Athens. You just named all of the restaurants I used to eat at, sushi was a luxury in Patras. Other than that there are 3-4 juice bars, and I relied heavily on Botanica Bio market, for snacks and ingredients for cooking. Also in μαγειρεία there are a lot of nistisima to eat , agreed they are usually full of olive oil.. you don’t have a kitchen at your disposal from the sounds of it…maybe you can ask at the hotel for simple vegan food? Oh, also at souvlatzidika you can have pita with vegetables (careful there is yogurt in tzatziki) or try sandwiches without cheese. Sweet shops have nistisima sweets. The restaurant Jake mentioned is named “I katsarola tis toulas” and it is on Riga ferraiou among zaimi and aratou street. Let me know if I can help any other way, I feel your pain