My friends, readers and strangers; ’tis the season to eat treats, be jolly, buy presents and be with family and friends! I love this season, but sometimes I am afraid I am the only one that loves it enough to play Christmas music all day. Anyway, my jolly mood is about to become jollier with my favorite luscious raw chocolate truffles! They are quick and easy to make and oh so delicious. Give them a try, while listening to your favorite Christmas songs. mine are Rocking Around The Christmas tree and Santa Baby! What are your favorite holiday songs?
Ingredients to make about 30 truffles:
- 1 cup (135 grams) of raw blanched almonds
- 1/4 cup of orange juice
- 1/2 teaspoon of fresh orange zest
- 1 cup of medjool dates (about 100 grams without pits)
- 1/4 cup of agave syrup
- 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt
- 1/4 cup (25 grams) of cacao powder
- Shredded coconut or crashed nuts or whatever you like to roll the truffles in
- Add the raw blanched almonds in a blender and blend lightly, make them powdery but stop before they become butter.
- Empty the almond powder in a big bowl. Add the cacao powder and sea salt; whisk.
- Remove pits from the dates. Add the dates, agave syrup, orange juice and the zest into the blender. Blend until everything is well mixed.
- Empty the liquid mix from the blender into the bowl with the dry mix. Mix well with your hands, until you get a dough you can shape into little balls.
- Roll your little balls in the coating of your choice, and keep them refrigerated!
Let me know how you like them!

What lovely and beautifully colored little chocolates you have made! Merry Christmas you guys!
Thank you very much and Merry Christmas to you too!
These look fantastic! Loving all your posts!
Thank you so much! Hope you can modify and enjoy them 🙂 New blog?
Nope! Just a name change!