My friends, readers and strangers; ’tis the season to eat treats, be jolly, buy presents and be with family and friends! I love this season, but sometimes I am afraid I am the only one that loves it enough to play Christmas music all day. Anyway, my jolly mood is about to become jollier with my favorite luscious raw chocolate truffles! They are quick and easy to make and oh so delicious. Give them a try, while listening to your favorite Christmas songs. mine are Rocking Around The Christmas tree and Santa Baby! What are your favorite holiday songs?
Tag Archives: Gluten Free Vegan Christmas Recipe
Christmas Brownies
Grandma’s Yams – Gluten Free Vegan Mashed Sweet Potatoes
Thanksgiving week continues with the vegan version of my Grandma’s Yams! My Grandma made yams for both Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner every year! They were always the first side dish to disappear Continue reading Grandma’s Yams – Gluten Free Vegan Mashed Sweet Potatoes