On the 25th of March, here in Greece, we always eat skordalia! This is an extra garlicky condiment only for those who love garlic! They also serve it with fried fish, but I replaced it using eggplant pieces. These fried eggplants with Greek garlic sauce were delicious and brought back memories! 🙂 You can adjust the garlic quantity but be aware, your breath will smell! Continue reading Fried Eggplants with Greek Garlic Sauce
Category Archives: Vegetarian
Kiwi Strawberry Smoothie
I made a lot of smoothies and blended soups this week after Athanasia’s wisdom tooth extraction. It’s very easy, even easier than cooking and much quicker thanks to our Vitamix (click here in North America or click here in Europe). One of the days this week I made this kiwi strawberry smoothie and we both loved it very much! This smoothie is raw vegan and gluten-free of course. I am especially proud of this smoothie because it has wheatgrass powder in it and Athanasia still loved it! She usually hates wheatgrass so it doesn’t have very much, but it does have some. Continue reading Kiwi Strawberry Smoothie
Devilish Baby Potatoes
I recently had my wisdom tooth removed and Jake is constantly providing me with smoothies and blended food, as if I am 3 months old! Yes I have to, but still, I am a tee wee jealous of food that is delicious you can actually bite into. Like these devilish baby potatoes I made the day before the surgery. May I say, bad idea to write down this recipe after I had the tooth removed, because now I am drooling!
Vegan Bacon Cheeseburger Pizza
*Sigh* Vegan bacon cheeseburger pizza. As a boy growing up there were three things I loved: music, American football and bacon cheeseburger pizza from a joint known as Godfather’s Pizza. In this recipe I wanted to make my favorite kind of pizza on my favorite style of pizza crust: stuffed crust! To make this pizza vegan and gluten free was a nice treat for me. Here is how it’s done:
Bob’s Red Mill Gluten Free Pizza Crust Product Review
Today we are going to do a Bobs Red Mill Gluten Free Pizza Crust product review. I have quite a bit of experience with this flour mixture from Bob’s Red Mill already. When I first began making homemade pizza in Minnesota this was my favorite flour mixture to use. When I found a way to acquire some of this flour here in Greece I was very happy! Continue reading Bob’s Red Mill Gluten Free Pizza Crust Product Review
Traditional Greek Beans
I love using an oven pot with a lid, I stole a small one from my mother and I use it when I want to give food amazing flavor! Traditional Greek beans with tomato sauce, carrots and peppers baked in the oven pot. Finally, some beans around here! Perfect for fasting and olive oil free 🙂
Vegan Ground Beef
I wanted to develop a great raw vegan ground beef recipe that is also gluten free. It turned out to be easier than I was expecting! This delicious savory recipe features raw walnuts soaked in water overnight as the meat. I wanted to make this for a gluten free vegan bacon cheeseburger pizza (click here for recipe) and in doing so discovered it also turns out perfectly when baked in the oven on a pizza! Try it out sometime if you are not 100% raw. Here is how I did it:

Black Bean And Rice Burrito
These delicious black bean and rice burritos are very similar to those made by Chipotle. It’s a big recipe but very worth it to make it! Let’s get started:
Eggplant Bacon
This is a simple recipe for gluten free vegan eggplant bacon. The process of making it takes some time and patience but the ingredients are few and obviously much healthier than real bacon. Here is how we did it: Continue reading Eggplant Bacon
Baked Peas Casserole
Here is a different way to make peas, with mushrooms and mashed potatoes in the oven! This baked peas casserole is so delicious everybody will be asking for seconds! The fennel seeds compliment the peas and mushrooms while the chives work like magic with the mashed potatoes. Here is how we made it: