Here is another one of our proud accomplishments: gluten free vegan tofu nuggets! I suppose these would be called vegan chicken nuggets to a transitioning vegan. Who said it couldn’t be done? We did it! Here’s how…
You will need to buy or prepare some almond cream. For a great almond cream recipe click here! Once you have about 2 cups (400 ml) of almond cream, pour it into a medium sized bowl and set aside.
Next, you want to fry the tofu chunks so they absorb the right flavor. I took a block of organic tofu equaling 200 grams (1 1/2 cups of tofu when chopped) and ripped it into nugget sized pieces using my hands. Here are the ingredients for this process:
- Olive Oil
- 2 Tablespoons of vegan butter
- 1 garlic clove, minced
- 1/4 teaspoon of ground ginger (powder)
- 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt
Instructions for preparing the tofu:
- Get a large frying pan and put the butter and olive oil in it. Place the pan over medium heat on the stove.
- As soon as you smell the olive oil or see the butter melting add the minced garlic. Once you smell the garlic, add the ground ginger powder and sea salt. Stir until everything is distributed evenly.
- Add all of the tofu nugget pieces. Stir occasionally until the tofu gains a little color. Depending on your stove this could take 5 to 7 minutes per side. Try to only fry 2 sides of the tofu, then remove from the heat to allow them to cool.
You will want to take another clean medium to large sized mixing bowl to prepare your dry mixture. Here are the ingredients:
- 1/2 cup (75 grams or 2.65 oz) of brown rice flour
- 1/2 cup (90 grams or 3.175 oz) of corn flour (not corn starch! North America example or Europe example)
- 2 teaspoons of sea salt
Instructions for the gluten free vegan tofu nuggets:
- Whisk the dry mixture until blended consistently and evenly.
- The tofu chicken pieces should be cooled down a bit by now, using the utensil of your choice (or your fingers), dip each piece into the almond cream you set aside earlier. I just poured all my tofu nugget pieces into my almond cream at once to allow them to get a nice coating.
- Once each piece has a nice coating of almond cream, dip it them into the dry mixture. Carefully try to get as much of the dry mixture to stick to each nugget piece. Dip them into the almond cream again and re-dip into the dry mixture if it is not sticking well.
- Pour enough sunflower oil for the chicken nuggets to float into a pot and place over medium heat on the stove. Once you smell the oil or hear it sizzling it will be ready for frying the tofu nuggets. Use a long utensil like tongs or a spatula to gently place the nuggets in the oil so you do not get burned! It is hot oil!
- Place as many nuggets into the pot as you can without them overlapping each other because they will stick together if they are too close to each other! They only need to stay in the oil for 2 to 3 minutes when the oil is hot enough. They will turn a light brown to brown color when they are ready and even float a bit in the oil. Again, using a safe utensil, remove them from the oil and place on a plate lined with a paper towel to absorb the excess oil. Continue this process until all the nuggets are fried. These are so delicious! Enjoy!

Very easy and tasty recipe, the best one I have found online
Thank you very, very much!
I have been searching for a great tasting chicken recipe ever since the Kenny Rogers Roasters chicken restaurant closed. The other day, I smelled the scent I had thought was long lost in the world from down the hallway… I followed it as only my nose could. It led right to Kramer’s apartment!
I walked in to find Kramer licking his fingers staring at one remaining chicken nugget on his plate. The sweat was beginning to drip down the side of my face as I stared into Kramer’s eyes. I began to smell his fear as he knew I was about to make a move for the last one. Kramer began to reach for it but he was no match for a mail man. I jumped across the room with my right hand stretched out toward the last remaining nugget. It was like slow motion cinema effects as I heard Kramer shouting “Nooooooooo Neeeewwwmaaaaaan!”
I landed on the side of his kitchen table popping the nugget up into the air as the table flipped over thus rolling me over on top of Kramer. As Kramer laid squished and lifeless under me the nugget landed right into my mouth and I enjoyed the best tasting chicken nugget I had ever tasted! I then saw Kramer’s computer screen with this recipe from 2 Broke Vegans showing.
I couldn’t believe it! Had I just tasted tofu? Did I like it? I did! Does this make me vegan? What is happening to me? I have bought all of the tofu in New York now as Kramer and I are scheming to open up a vegan chicken nugget food truck as our new business venture with Kramerica Industries! Don’t tell anyone I said that as it is supposed to be a secret!
Thanks for the recipe 2 Broke Vegans! Muhahahahahaha!
This comment is hilarious! Thank you. I am a huge Seinfeld fan!