It is day 12 of our challenge. We are in Athens for Athanasia’s cousin’s wedding this weekend, the weather has been beautiful and we are having a wonderful time! I am taking a moment away from the celebration to post today’s recipe: the Warrior Smoothie! We decided to call it this because it is a smoothie packed with nutrients. Continue reading Warrior Smoothie
Category Archives: Vegetarian
Raw Vegan Tortilla Soup
Today is day 10 already of our 30 day raw vegan challenge. It really does feel amazing still, I have gone raw before and know eventually the initial feeling fades a bit. However, I do remember always having enough energy to get everything on my plate finished each day. I have been using my current energy boost to work on our site quite a bit as well as write new music! It has been an amazing 10 days so far as I look forward to the next 20 days. On day 3 we enjoyed this raw vegan tortilla soup. I grew up eating tomato soups and tortilla soup is one of my favorite tomato soup twists! Athanasia is still new to the tomato soup world so this was a bigger hit with me than it was with her, but she still liked it. It is another quick and easy soup to make and this is how I did it:
Raw Vegan Zucchini Lasagna
As mentioned in the raw vegan cashew ricotta cheese post, we were in the mood for raw vegan zucchini lasagna and this recipe definitely satisfied us! We made this recipe for the 5th day of our challenge; it proved to be filling and delicious! We even had leftover raw lasagna sauce as well as cashew ricotta cheese to make a pasta out of grated carrots and zucchinis the next day! So far, I would have to say this recipe has been my favorite one since we started our 30 day raw vegan challenge! Most raw recipes are quick and easy, but this one takes some time. It is worth it though as you will find out with every gourmet bite! Let’s get started!
The first thing you will need to prepare is some raw vegan Italian sausage meat made from walnuts. We made a variation of our already existing recipe (click here to view) without using vegan Worcester sauce because we questioned whether or not it was raw. You will start by soaking 3 cups of walnuts in water for 12 to 24 hours, so you will need to plan ahead for this recipe!
Raw Vegan Cashew Ricotta Cheese
It’s day 8 of our 30 day raw vegan challenge! Wow, I can’t believe it’s been over a week already. We called this a challenge before we started because we had the perception this would be difficult. However, it has been extremely easy for both of us. The food we have been making has had amazing flavor and it is pretty healthy too! We wanted to make a raw lasagna but obviously we needed to develop this raw vegan cashew ricotta cheese recipe first. This recipe is based on our vegan tofu ricotta cheese recipe (click here to view recipe). We used cashews instead of tofu and made sure to leave anything out that might not be raw. It turned out to be so delicious we were dipping raw carrot sticks and our raw vegan flax seed crackers in it too! It is very quick and easy to make if you have a high powered blender like a Vitamix.
Banana Basil Smoothie
Wow, day 6 already of our 30 day raw vegan challenge! We are both bouncing off the walls with energy! We have made so many great recipes already, I have no idea how we will ever find the time to share them all. So, why not post one today? Here is a recipe I made for our breakfast on day 3; a delicious banana basil smoothie. Somehow these two flavors compliment each other perfectly to make this a very tasty way to kick off your day. This recipe takes 5 minutes to make and another 2 minutes to wash your blender off. If you are in a hurry, this is the breakfast for you! Here is how I made it:
Raw Vegan Flax Seed Crackers
Here we are on day 5 of our 30 day raw vegan challenge! On the night before we started the challenge I prepared the mixture to make these raw vegan flax seed crackers and began dehydrating them in our convection oven at 35° Celsius (95° F). These can be made in a dehydrator or convection oven. I have had flax seed crackers before and love them! Athanasia did not like them at first but began to like them very much the second time she tried them. This recipe really turned out well.
Raw Pea Soup
It is now day three of our 30 day raw vegan challenge and things are going great! We have been making some tasty raw vegan recipes and this raw pea soup recipe was one of the things we enjoyed yesterday. We both have felt a big boost in our energy levels as well as mental awareness. I personally find myself eager to learn new things by reading about anything I find interesting. The biggest benefit other than how we feel is how much less time we are spending in the kitchen. When I was making pizzas, breads, pastas and everything else I was spending three to four hours a day in the kitchen. Now I can prepare a full day’s worth of meals in about an hour (including washing dishes)! This raw pea soup took me 10 minutes from start to finish.
Strawberry Orange Smoothie – 30 Day Raw Vegan Challenge
Back in 2007 my family and I became raw vegans. We obviously didn’t stay raw vegans over all these years, but I will never forget how healthy we all felt and looked. I have told Athanasia about this many times and she has read other raw vegan testimonies on the internet as well. So, we decided to create and take a 30 day raw vegan challenge for ourselves. We are going to share with you some of our thoughts, food cravings, results and recipes during this time period. We of course already have many raw vegan recipes posted on our site so we will be using a combination of those and some of our new recipes over the next month. After we are done, I will create a 30 day raw vegan challenge post to put all of our raw vegan recipes in in case anybody else out there wants to take a 30 day vegan challenge themselves. The most important thing to keep in mind during a personal challenge is you are doing it for yourself so stay strong! We kicked off our challenge with this delicious strawberry orange smoothie and it was perfect! It is very quick and easy to make as well.

Continue reading Strawberry Orange Smoothie – 30 Day Raw Vegan Challenge
Potato Salad
The lightest, tastiest, easiest potato salad with vegan mayo I have ever had 🙂 Only 4 basic ingredients! How cool is that? A cool dish for those warm days that are coming up. Top it with red or green onions, pickles, raw peppers or capers. Even multi-eyed monsters love it, as you can see in the photo below:
Sheese Cheddar Vegan Cheeses Review
In a trip to Bamboo Vegan a few months back we saw they now carry Sheese vegan dairy free cheeses. We had seen Sheese on the internet before but could not find a way to get it to us here in Greece. So, thank you Bamboo Vegan! In this review we will be taking a look at two different kinds of the Sheese cheddar vegan cheeses available.