Juicing like a sir! My family and I completed a 60 day juice fast back in early 2012 after watching the documentary ‘Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead’ based upon recommendations from my sister. We decided to give it a try and had fantastic results! I remember feeling so energized and cleansed from fasting. Of course, eating whole food again after the fast was such an amazing feeling too! A lot of people can get confused about whether or not juicing is right for them. Health is a tricky subject so we are not going to recommend to anybody who has not talked to their nutritionist or medical professional to try juicing. It is difficult to know exactly what nutrients you need to acquire on an everyday basis through juicing. Also, we are not going on a juice fast right at this moment either, however, we do enjoy the occasional green juice as a meal replacement. This simple but delicious juice features only 3 ingredients: red apples, green grapes and dandelion greens. Continue reading Juicing Like A Sir
Category Archives: Breakfast
Brainiac Smoothie
Here in Greece it is time for exams and Athanasia needed a good brain boosting food. Hemp seeds are very nutritious indeed, but most people do not understand they are truly a superfood! Did you know they contain an almost perfect balance of essential fatty acids which help the brain with memory and concentration? Just ask Marjorie Nolan Cohn of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics! So, for our last post during our 30 day raw challenge I present to you the brainiac smoothie! This smoothie also features 7 grams of protein from the hemp seeds alone, here is how you can make one: Continue reading Brainiac Smoothie
Cinnamon Vanilla Banana Smoothie
It’s time for another smoothie as we have 8 days remaining on the raw vegan challenge! We have made some exciting foods that are delicious during this challenge. Maybe too delicious… We certainly use more nuts than we probably should be using if we really wanted to embrace the challenge. As a result I have only lost 7 kilograms (15.5 pounds) so far. I suppose I could go running more often too though. So, let’s get back to a smoothie with this amazing cinnamon vanilla banana smoothie! Continue reading Cinnamon Vanilla Banana Smoothie
Strawberry Banana Fruit Salad
One day, right before we began our 30 day raw vegan challenge, Athanasia made this amazing strawberry banana fruit salad. It instantly became my favorite fruit salad! It is very delicious and easy to make so we made it again last week to enjoy during our challenge. Today marks day 14 of our challenge. Two weeks behind us, two weeks to go. I am feeling very good and am enjoying this challenge quite a bit. I may even be interested in maintaining a 75% to 80% raw vegan diet after we are done at this point. I am looking forward to pizza again too, but I do not crave it anymore at this point. Anyway, here is how we made the fruit salad:
Warrior Smoothie
It is day 12 of our challenge. We are in Athens for Athanasia’s cousin’s wedding this weekend, the weather has been beautiful and we are having a wonderful time! I am taking a moment away from the celebration to post today’s recipe: the Warrior Smoothie! We decided to call it this because it is a smoothie packed with nutrients. Continue reading Warrior Smoothie
Banana Basil Smoothie
Wow, day 6 already of our 30 day raw vegan challenge! We are both bouncing off the walls with energy! We have made so many great recipes already, I have no idea how we will ever find the time to share them all. So, why not post one today? Here is a recipe I made for our breakfast on day 3; a delicious banana basil smoothie. Somehow these two flavors compliment each other perfectly to make this a very tasty way to kick off your day. This recipe takes 5 minutes to make and another 2 minutes to wash your blender off. If you are in a hurry, this is the breakfast for you! Here is how I made it:
Strawberry Orange Smoothie – 30 Day Raw Vegan Challenge
Back in 2007 my family and I became raw vegans. We obviously didn’t stay raw vegans over all these years, but I will never forget how healthy we all felt and looked. I have told Athanasia about this many times and she has read other raw vegan testimonies on the internet as well. So, we decided to create and take a 30 day raw vegan challenge for ourselves. We are going to share with you some of our thoughts, food cravings, results and recipes during this time period. We of course already have many raw vegan recipes posted on our site so we will be using a combination of those and some of our new recipes over the next month. After we are done, I will create a 30 day raw vegan challenge post to put all of our raw vegan recipes in in case anybody else out there wants to take a 30 day vegan challenge themselves. The most important thing to keep in mind during a personal challenge is you are doing it for yourself so stay strong! We kicked off our challenge with this delicious strawberry orange smoothie and it was perfect! It is very quick and easy to make as well.

Continue reading Strawberry Orange Smoothie – 30 Day Raw Vegan Challenge
Eggplant Bacon
This is a simple recipe for gluten free vegan eggplant bacon. The process of making it takes some time and patience but the ingredients are few and obviously much healthier than real bacon. Here is how we did it: Continue reading Eggplant Bacon
Chocolate Dipped Strawberries – The Day After Valentine’s Day Breakfast!
So, it’s the morning after Valentines day and you are struggling to come up with an idea to follow through on the amazing dinner you served last night! Try these quick, easy and simple ideas to keep the romantic mood coming! Of course, chocolate dipped strawberries are a must for a quickie before the day begins!
Continue reading Chocolate Dipped Strawberries – The Day After Valentine’s Day Breakfast!
Gluten Free Vegan Banana Bread
I really have been wanting to make gluten free vegan banana bread for a while. It seemed we kept buying bananas that were nowhere near ripe enough to pull it off for the longest time! Of course, by the time the bananas were almost ripe enough to make the bread we had eaten them all! I finally was able to do it though and it was very delicious!